A Brief History of OBMM
We began in 1987 with the formation of a board of directors and began a work in Grenada. Grenada, known as the Isle of Spice, is located in the West Indies about fifty miles north of South America. Most of the population are of African descent.
God blessed the work there and over time three churches and three schools were established. Limes, LaBorie and Laura. In the recent past Laura has been turned over completely to Grenadian church leadership and the school at Laura was discontinued. Our staff in Grenada consists of pastors, a business administrator and school teachers.
In 1996 God opened the doors for a work in South Dakota. We settled in Cherry Creek and began a church, school and a tire shop. Cherry Creek is located on the Cheyenne River Indian Reservation near the center of South Dakota. Our staff in Cherry Creek consists of pastors, a business administrator, school teachers and personal workers. We have church services, children’s clubs, a tire shop, used furniture sales, pop shop, coffee shop and prison ministry.
In 2003 we planted a church in León, Nicaragua, and in 2005 we reached out to another community called La Palmerita. Around 2012 the La Palmerita community left and we relocated to the village of Malpaisillo and began with a church. God has blessed the work in Nicaragua and both churches have grown in native membership. Our staff in Nicaragua consists of pastors, a business administrator and personal workers.